@PokerStars In Lee Jones' Journal

Pip install discord.py. Next, head to the discord applications page and click on the New App button. Add whatever name, description and icon you want for your new app, and click on the Create App button. Scroll down, and click on the Create a Bot User button. Discord is a free chat platform mainly used by online gamers. It has over 150 million users and is very popular among the gamer crowd. We think its a great place for the Run It Once Poker community to stay up to date, discuss feedback and suggestions and much more.

Most of you know that PokerStars has a pretty cool feature called 'Home Games'; it allows you play poker with your friends or a specific community. And many of you know about our Discord community, where we hang out and talk about poker. I mean all aspects of poker - we even have a special channel called padded_tilt_room where you can rant about bad beats. And we have cookies. Just ask.

Those of us in the Discord community got to talking and we said, 'Well, instead of just talking about poker together, we should actually play poker together.' Then one of the sharper crayons in the box said, 'Home game club, imo.' And we were all...

So we are pleased and proud to announce the opening of the Discord Home Game club on PokerStars. It's club number 2117359, which you'll need to know in a few minutes. But more importantly, we're going to have a ridiculous amount of fun in this club. Your hosts will be the same Discord moderators and PokerStars staffers you've come to know (and hopefully love) over the past 6-7 months. But now you'll also find them playing (I use the term loosely, meaning their play) at the tables.

Needless to say, those of us who have official PokerStars badges will not be participating in the real money games (your loss). But we will definitely be playing in the PM games, which means you can hang out and chat with us about how poorly we play, or pretty much any topic you want to bring up.

And by 'chat' I mean 'talk'. Yes, ladies and germs, we are going to have voice-chat on selected tables. 'Wait, Lee - there's no voice chat in the PokerStars client.' True enough, but there's definitely voice chat in Discord. So we're going to host the voice chat on the Discord server. We'll set up a separate channel for each voice chat-enabled table. Then you just jump in that channel and start talking to your fellow players.

No, you don't have to use the voice chat to play on the tables - it'll just be there as an option.

But wait, there's more. Many of you have been playing in our series of 'Disco[rd]' freerolls on Saturdays (yes, we have a disco ball emoji on Discord). Well, we're moving those promotions into the Home Game club. And on the way there, they got (and here I quote the Minister of Promotional Arts, Kalooki) 'funner'. For instance, this Saturday we're kicking off with an all-bounty tournament. That's right children, you heard right - no prize pool, just bounties. We just put a bounty on each of you and turn you loose in the mean no-limit hold'em streets. Think of it as laser tag for poker - you just try to survive for as long as possible and bag as many bounties as you can on the way. It's going to happen at 12:00pm Eastern Time this coming Saturday, December 9 (T#2118081821) - you don't want to miss it.

Getting into Discord

'Okay,' you say, 'I'm in. How do I do this?' Well, you need to be a member of both our Discord community and the Home Game club. If you're already a member of the Discord community, you're halfway there. If you're not, well, go here:

If you already have a Discord ID, it'll take you straight into the PokerStars Discord server. If you don't, it will help you set up a Discord ID and then bring you to us.

Once you're in the Discord server, you need to register your email with us. Go to the #promotions channel and all will be explained to you. If you aren't sure what to do, just stand there with a confused expression on your face, and we'll come to help. But make sure you do register your email in the Discord server.

And do it soon, before the cookies are gone.

Getting into the Home Games club

If you've ever joined a Home Games club on PokerStars, it's the same as always. You just need to know:

• The Club number, which is 2117359
• The Club invitation code, which is 'discord123' (case matters)

So go to the main page of the PokerStars client software, and in the lower right corner, click on 'More' and then 'Home Games'. Then click on the green 'Join Poker Club' button. You'll get an application screen, which you'll fill out like this:

Then you wait for a day or two (maybe less, if we're fast) and you'll be accepted. Please note that you must put your Discord ID into the 'Your Name' field.

Once you're in the club, you'll see a home page that looks like this:

After that, you find a cash game or tournament that looks cool and jump right in. Like maybe a bounty-only progressive KO freeroll, T#2118081821.

Again, if you have any questions about this, you know where to find us. Please join soon so you can be one of the runners this coming Saturday, December 9th. That's just the beginning of the fun.

Because cookies. We have cookies.

Lee Jones first joined PokerStars in 2003 and has been part of the professional poker world for over 30 years. You can read his occasional Twitter-bites at @leehjonesDiscord Poker

Poker is a big industry with thousands of people working in it worldwide. A great number of poker industry workers are not even poker players. There are many people who prepare tournaments, deal cards, and more. Moreover, numerous poker rooms in casinos were closed, and that affected the industry a lot.

By canceling and postponing so many poker events, many people were financially affected, as many lost their jobs. That’s why some of the poker celebrities are doing everything they can to help.

Poker Now Discord

Those who are suddenly without a job are naturally worried about paying their bills or even about putting the food on the table. However, BorgataPoker.com Ambassador Katie Stone decided to take action and provide support for those who need it the most. She is one of the several professional poker players who stepped in to help the industry.

What she did was create a channel on Discord called “Poker Peeps Affected by COVID19.” Next, she invited all the people she knows that were affected by all the casino closures and tournament cancellations.

On March 24, the Discord group had a total of 120, but the number of members is growing. What Stone noticed was that the majority of people in the group were eager to help each other in these grave times, which is definitely a nice thing to see.

Talking About Their Problems — But Also Helping Others

Texas Hold Em Discord Bot

According to Stone, most of the people in the group were eager to share their current situation with others. Many of them are without a job and without income.

Hd Poker Discord

On the other hand, many people are staying home and receiving their salary and insurance. The situation is different based on the company that they were employed by.

Moreover, she said that a lot of people were also sharing stories of other industry workers they read on Twitter and other social media, with some of them offering help.

Essentially, she managed to create a very useful group that consists of people who are all affected by the coronavirus and require some sort of support.

Other Poker Players Jump In to Help

Stone is not the only poker player who decided to help out the people.

Cy Watson did a really interesting thing on Twitter. He started a thread where he offered to become a customer of people’s side hustles. That way, he supported and showcased many small businesses that are currently endangered with the situation caused by the coronavirus.

Ryan LaPlante has publicly offered help to people who are interested in learning to play poker on the web or start streaming online.

Alex Livingston came up with a unique idea — helping out people who have kids and are in need in the Las Vegas area.

Stone also stated that many other poker players messaged her directly to ask her whether there was a way to help people who are in dire financial need.

Phil Galfond also offered a month of free poker training on his popular website called Run It Once Poker.

The situation with the coronavirus is getting more and more serious, and the entire poker industry has been pulled down to a standstill. On a more positive note, the online poker industry has been thriving for the last couple of days, as many poker lovers are looking for an alternative for poker rooms and live tournaments.

Discord Pokerstars Vr

The entire poker industry needs to be there for one another and help those who are affected the most with the current situation.

Discord Pokerealm Bot

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